
My favorite picture of the Irish countryside

19 September 2010


Classes have finally started - hopefully this week I'll start getting settled into a routine!
I absolutely love my classes (and that's just barely plural - I only have 2!) Early Irish Civilisation and Intro to Latin. There are only 8 people in each class and each one has one other American. I was slightly scared that with the amount of people who attend UCD (I've lived in towns smaller than the student population), my classes would be huge! The Latin class is even using the book that I borrowed from my advisor last year (I knew I'd have to have Latin so I thought I'd get a head start) - up to chapter 6, I should be good! I have Latin for an hour on Tuesdays and Fridays (11 - 12) and Early Irish Civ on Wednesday for 2 hours (1 - 3). I love my schedule! A majority of that spare time will probably be spent in the library researching my dissertation, but I'm ok with that. Hopefully, that will free up my weekends to either work or do a little traveling.
There are only 3 people total in my actual program and 2 of us are Americans! Who knew there'd be two of us crazy enough to want to do Early Irish History. We're supposed to have an idea ready for Elva (our instructor) of what we want to do our dissertation on by Wednesday. I'm hoping she just wants a generalized overview because I'm not really sure what I'm doing yet (I should probably be figuring that out now, but I feel the need to maintain my title Queen Procrastinator). Currently, I'm toying with the idea of the conversion of the Celts to Christianity and how that's reflected in music. The main problem with this: I'm not sure any samples of their music have remained.
I'm almost done with Daibhi O'Croinin's Early Medieval Ireland so maybe I'll get a few ideas from that. Lucky for me, it's rainy and cold outside - the perfect day to curl up under the covers with a cup of tea and a good book :)

"Only Irish coffee provides in a single glass all four essential food groups: alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and fat."

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