
My favorite picture of the Irish countryside

19 February 2009

False Alarm

The internet is out, yet again....They say we may have it back tonight, but that is highly doubtful. Hopefully by tomorrow we'll be good. Speaking of tomorrow, we're going to go to Dublin for the weekend! Or somewhere, anyway - we're still debating over where...We're trying to make it a short trip, though, because we have homework we need to work on this weekend. I have two mid-term essays due on 9 and 10 March that I have yet to really start on. That wouldn't be too bad except I'm going with Butler to Northern Ireland starting on 6 March and lasting through 8 March. I'm glad I'm going o nthis trip, though, because I just found out the tour my family's coming over to take won't be able to go to Northern Ireland.

I will be very excited when this whole internet thing is figured out for good....


  1. Why can't we go to N. Ireland???

  2. Because the other group we got paired with is considered the 'base group', and they don't want to do the extension. But, if you're interested in staying another couple days, we're looking into just staying on our own in Galway since I would be able to get us around and back to Shannon to fly out...if you're interested in doing that, talk to my mom - that'd probably be easier than me being the go between! :)
